We offer the best digital printing services with new digital machine and the most popular designs such as "billboards, Banner, X Banner, wy One vision, stickers, create outdoor & indoor use, as well as the various needs of the event: Invitation, Foam BOAD, congratulations from cork, etc., for our paper also serves offset printing services,: blank, letterhead, tickets, notes, brochures, books, calendars, & various office needs, which is supported by experienced personnel.digital printing in addition we also do
( kami menawarkan jasa cetak digital terbaik dengan Mesin Digital terbaru serta desain yang terpopuler seperti " baliho, Banner, X Banner, One wy vision, stiker, buat keperluan outdoor & indoor, serta berbagai kebutuhan acara : Undangan, Foam boad, ucapan selamat dari gabus, dll, untuk kertas kami juga melayani jasa cetak offset, : blangko, kop surat, karcis, nota, brosur, buku, kalender, & berbagai keperluan Kantor, yang ditunjang dengan tenaga yang berpengalaman.)
We aim to spread creative refreshment to the world we live in. From the things we use/see/hear/read everyday, the one that gives us the most memorable and enjoyable experience is the one we stay loyal with. We want to be part of the success in giving meaningfull creations to aesthetic design with effective results that inspire confidence and command loyalty of a brand among people.
Eclissi Design is multi-faceted graphic design spot who provide creative solutions through identity development and brand communication.
Job Specification
Poster, Brochure, Packaging, Billboard, Backdrop,Invitation, Banner, Merchandise, Catalog, Company Profile, Logo, Graphic Standard Manual Book, Umbul2, Flag Chain, Resto Environmental, Neon Box, Stationery (Letterhead, Name Card, Map, Envelope), Digital Imaging, CD Cover, Website, Magazine, Print ad, Booth, Event Desk, Large Format Digital Printing, Offset Printing, Copy CD with good quality include Design Cover and CD Case and many more…
( Kami bertujuan untuk menyebarkan penyegaran kreatif untuk dunia kita tinggal masuk Dari hal-hal yang kita gunakan / lihat / dengar / baca sehari-hari, salah satu yang memberi kita yang paling mengesankan dan pengalaman menyenangkan adalah satu-satunya kita tetap setia dengan. Kami ingin menjadi bagian dari keberhasilan dalam memberikan kreasi meaningfull untuk estetika desain dengan hasil yang efektif yang mengilhami kepercayaan dan kesetiaan perintah dari sebuah merek di antara orang.
Desain Eclissi multi-faceted graphic design spot yang memberikan solusi kreatif melalui pembangunan identitas dan komunikasi merek.
Job Specification
Poster, Brosur, Packaging, Billboard, Backdrop, Undangan, Banner, Merchandise, Catalog, Company Profile, Logo, Graphic Standard Manual Book, Umbul2, Flag Chain, Resto Environmental, Neon Box, Stationery (Letterhead, Name Card, Map, Amplop) , Digital Imaging, CD Cover, Website, Magazine, Print ad, Booth, Event Desk, Large Format Digital Printing, Offset Printing, Copy CD dengan kualitas baik termasuk Design Cover and CD Case dan banyak lagi ...)